RSHM Student Leadership Retreat

October 19
Marymount Paris

The world is increasingly shaped by powerful global forces, many of which have consequences for human health, and the social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health are increasingly determined at a supranational level. As borders disappear, people and goods are increasingly free to move, creating new challenges to global health. These cannot be met by national governments alone but must be dealt with instead by international organizations and agreements.


“Over the past generation, international health has given way to "global health". This change in terminology, while not yet universal, reflects a profound change in perspective. No longer can countries and institutions see health as a concern limited by national borders, as they often did in the past - global health is increasingly a concern of civil society. Global issues demand increasingly global responses, and health is among the main areas of truly global concern.” 

- Edward Elmendorf, President and CEO, United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA)



Head of School Welcome


How does global cooperation impact global health?

A Marymount education is based upon a commitment to the integral development and liberation of the human person.  We are called to educate every child, each with their own intellectual and moral faculties, so they become agents of transformation for justice and peace in a multicultural and multi-religious world.

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“Bullets wrote our past; Education will write our future.”
Juan Manuel Santos